Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The 11th Hour Screening

On October 18, 2010, our class from W350 Sustainable Public Discourse attended the screening of the film The 11th Hour. We were asked to view the film and join in discussion with a panel of experts afterwards. The film, which was narrated by Leonardo Dicaprio, was about the impact our society has had on the current issues with the environment. The film tells its audience how many critics believe that global warming and other environmental issues do not exist, but the professors and scientists in the film explain otherwise. They provided information with how our ever-changing world is in danger due to many people not fully understanding or believing that the planet is in danger.

In the film, many of the people involved tried to explain the issue involved. Scientists, activists, and other professionals try to help the audience by introducing alternatives to using so much our planet’s energy. The explain the importance of recycling, investing in different kinds of energy conscious tools, and most importantly becoming aware that the issue is an ongoing problem that isn’t going to magically go away without the help of the human race. The try to help sway the audience by explaining that if the population doesn’t begin to take action soon, in the future there may be no more human race to speak of.

When viewing this film, I felt very scared in a way. It is a problem that I am completely aware of. But, had no real idea it was as serious as the film made it out to be. I do my best to make sure I do my part in taking care of the planet by recycling or walking most places. But when watching this movie, I felt like no matter what I try to do, there is always going to be a step more I need to take.

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